Onenote Reminders

OneNote Reminder

  1. Onenote Reminders And Task Management
  2. Onenote Reminders
1. Use OneNote page time, or format title to create OneNote reminder, it will remind you by sound and pop up window when time reach.
2. Append format date time end of Tag to create To-Do or Tag Reminder.
3. Notify on other OneNote collaboration users change pages.
4. Desktop sticky note with reminder.
5. Send alert message to your Microsoft personal account.

6. Hermann Ebbinghaus Learning Curve to Recite Words.
It also support recurring reminder. Sync and reminders on multiple computers.
Reminds even in the absence of running OneNote and Outlook, double clicking on the remind item will jump to the OneNote page.

Download OneNote Reminder

OneNote’s tags work very differently. They’re a lot more interactive and can be used for lots of different things. For example, you can add Reminder tags to a note to be reminded at specific dates and times. OneNote comes with more than 20 preset tags, from To-Do items and Client Requests to Music to Listen to and Book to Read. OneNote The app sends reminders when tasks are due, alerts for events and other types of reminders (like reminding you to take your medicine).

Windows Office OneNote
System: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, vista, xp
Office: OneNote 2016, 2013, 2010.
Trial: 30 days
Unzip Password: 1

Windows 10 OneNote

System: Windows 10
Office: OneNote UWP
Unzip Password: 1

Mac OneNote
System: MacOS
Office: Mac OneNote

Android OneNote

System: Android
Office: Android OneNote

Purchase OneNote Reminder

Set reminders in onenote
Full license without time limitation.
Free lifetime technical support.


Reminder Sound Setting
Match title to play difference sound for reminders. It just support .wav sound files.
Complete Reminder Window, double click on the item to navigate to the OneNote page.
Reminder History, double click on the item to navigate to the OneNote page.

1. OneNote Page Reminder

How to Use OneNote Page Date & Time to Build Reminder
Just modify the OneNote page display date & time to the future, this will create a reminder, OneNote Reminder Tool will remind you when the time is reached.
  • Method 1: Use OneNote native feature to modify date & time.
    Note: The native feature 'Change Page Time' in OneNote just supports accurate to hours.
  • Method 2: Use 'OneNote Reminder' feature 'Reminder Setting' feature to make a OneNote reminder.Just modify the OneNote page display date & time to the future date & time.
Setting One-Time Reminder
Modify the OneNote page display date & time to the future to make an One-Time reminder.
Onenote reminders iphone
Setting Recurring Reminder ( Remind Every Day )
Add 2 exclamation mark !! In front of title, this will make a recurring reminder, OneNote Reminder Tools will remind you when time is reached every day.
How to Format OneNote Page Title to Build Reminder
Add exclamation mark + Time middle or end of OneNote page title, OneNote Reminder Tools will treat this as a reminder.
Format title as reminder is a easy way to create reminder, you just simple modify a page title to create a reminder don't need any tools.
Of course, OneNote Reminder Tools also provide a feature to help you create reminder using page title.
One-Time Reminder Title Format
Title Format: ! + Date Time
  • ! 2015
  • ! 2015-07
  • ! 2015-07-05
  • ! 2015-07-05 03
  • ! 2015-07-05 03:45
  • ! 2015/07/05 03:00:44
  • ! 2015.07.05 03:00
Recurring Reminder Title Format
Title Format:

Onenote Reminders And Task Management

!! + Time [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  • !! 03
  • !! 03:45
  • !! 03:45:00
  • !! 03:09 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (Recurring alert at 03:09 in work days)

2. OneNote Tag Reminder (Detail)

  1. Add an exclamation mark '!' before the page title, flag out that OneNote page include some tag reminders.
  2. Append '! + Date Time' end of To Do tag text to create One-Time Tag Reminder.
  3. Append '!! + Time [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]' end of To Do tag text to create Recurrence Tag Reminder.
    !! 03
    !! 03:45
    !! 03:45:00
    !! 03:09 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (Recurring alert at 03:09 in work days)

How to Delete Reminder

Just delete exclamation mark '!' from title or tag.
OneNote Reminder Tool will auto refresh and delete notification from list.

3. Notify on Other OneNote Users Change Pages

When other OneNote collaboration users modified pages of shared notebooks with you, it will pop up messages to notify you which pages have been changed. Click on the message, it will jump to the OneNote page.

Onenote Reminders

4. Send Alert Message to Your Microsoft Account

  • Send alert Email to your Microsoft personal Account
  • Send alert Email to specify multiple Email addresses.
You can open OneNote and navigate to the reminder object from alert email. Event you are in Phone Email Client.

5. Desktop Sticky Note with Reminder

Onenote reminders calendar
  • Keep Show Sticky Note after restart Windows.
  • Alert Sticky Note.
  • Storing discarded sticky notes to an OneNote page
  • Create a Sticky Note from current OneNote page
  • Create a Sticky Note from paragraph of OneNote

6. Hermann Ebbinghaus Learning Curve to Recite Words

According Hermann Ebbinghaus forgetting curve to reminder you to review the pages. It help you repeat to review the pages to recite words.
Update History
Update History
OneNote Reminder Document