Steam Prison Free Download 2019 GOG Anime PC Game With All Latest DLCs And Updates For Mac OS X DMG Being An Anime Game Gives You The Perks To Enjoy Novels. Overview Steam Prison: Steam Prison features two kinds of people, the rulers and the ruled. There are ultimate heights and depths in the game. Steam Prison – Walkthrough for All Endings and CGs. This guide was made to show step-by-step how to reach all of the.
SO when I started playing “Steam prison” I fell in love with baby boy Fin immediately but I think some of you knows the problem - his route only exists on ps vita, and in pc version he’s always miserable etc… I was googling every possible ending for him but I found almost nothing so I’m making this post. For future generations! Maybe one day I’ll find any info about his actual route in ps vita version, but for now here I list all the endings for Fin Euclase in every route. I’M SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH I’M NOT NATIVE :((
First of all, there are Fin’s perspectives where we can see his arrival in the lower depths, Sachsen’s tortures, the murder of the hound who took Cyrus’ necklace. It’s… really painful. When Cyrus is at Glissade’s place with Ines, Fin is also here, he’s injured, he can hear Cyrus but he can’t reach her. Fin and Cyrus meet each other in Elt’s house where Fin brought his wounded comrade. Elt did not let them stay. They came back to the lower Depths, wounded hound intends to tell Cyrus’ location to Sachsen but Fin kills him. He wants to come back to her. He finds her kissing Elt and he’s going completely nuts… He stabbs Elt but he can’t fight Cyrus so he run away. Later Cyrus understands that Fin’s sword was poisoned and Elt’s gonna die. Aaaand….
Ending #1 - The Place I Must Return To (Other). I call it The Yandere One. You can try to find Fin yourself and ask him to make an antidote for Elt. He will agree, but also he will chain Cyrus in his house so she can be Forever His :)). He did the antidote btw…he kissed her, pouring the antidote into her mouth :)) He told her that’s she promised to return to him, that he is THE PLACE SHE MUST RETURN TO and now everything’s gonna be fine and he’ll remove the chains when she will sincerely agree to be his and his only.
You can avoid it if you ask Ulrik for help in finding the antidote.
Ending #2 If you convince Elt to stay in the Depths, he will make an alliance with the Hounds. They will help to crush the rebellion in Liberalitas. Fin will sacrifice himself to safe Cyrus in one of the fights. Cyrus and Elt will lay flowers at the place of his death.
Ending #3 If you are going to the Heights with Elt, Fin will meet you near the elevator. He will try to fight Cyrus, but he’s still a baby boy and he can’t hurt her, His life is meaningless without her so he asks her to kill him. Cyrus kills him and he gives her necklace back. If you return to the Depths - Ulrik will burry Fin and he’ll give Fin’s sword to Cyrus.
Ending #4 If you just can’t kill Fin (that’s absolutely understandably) be ready for One More Yandere Ending, But Even Worse :)) Fin will be quite angry, but he’ll say that he will try to start a new life. When Cyrus and Elt will come back to the Depths, Cyrus will ask to visit this lady with her son Merlo(?). Their house is empty, and then Wild Fin appears and kills Elt :)) He will try to rape Cyrus right in front of Elt’s dead body… Well yeah, that was the baddest shit.
Same Fin’s perspectives at the beginning of the route. I forgot to mention a cute flashback where we find out that Cyrus was the one who ordered Fin a special sword from a blacksmith. So the sword is really special for Fin. He meets Cyrus in the streets when she tries to save Another Little Boy from the Hounds. He saves her, he asks if he can meet her somewhere, she tells him where she lives now (at Adage’s place). Then Fin kills all the Hounds who hurted Cyrus. He goes to Adage’s house all pretty with flowers, but he sees Cyrus and Adage in the window aaand he get jealous. He drops flowers and leaves. Cyrus will think that the flowers were left by the boy she saved earlier. Some time later Cyrus will see Fin dismembering a woman’s body in the streets. Creepy shit.
Ending #5 Fin was doing this with dead bodies for Glissade and his ugly ass daughter. When Glissade captures Cyrus he tells Fin to find Adage and bring him to the hospital, and if Fin will do it he’ll let Cyrus go. Fin brings Adage and Glissade kills him immediately :))
Ending #6 - Property Returned (Other). After the dinner with Glissade, Adage can go to talk to him without Cyrus. She will wait for him, and Fin will appear with someone’s severed head :)) Cyrus runs away in fear, Fin pursues her. Eventually she shoots him. He’s dying in her arms, saying that he only wanted to give her necklace back… He’s trying to SAY SOMETHING (YK WHAT) but he dies. Cyrus is immediately executed for killing the Hound. That’s the stupidest ending tbh…
Fin won’t appear here, but Cyrus will remembering him. There’s a flashback about the first time they found a dead body during the police work. Poor Fin vomited :(

Ending #7 If you decide not to wait for Ines near the elevator, Sachsen and Fin will appear in search of Ines’ “partner in crime”. Fin will find Cyrus AND HE WON’T RECOGNIZE HER BC OF HAIRCUT THAT’S SO STUPID I’M CRYING. Then he’ll ofc recognize her and refuse to kill her. Sachs will kill them both :))))
Ending #8 If Ines becomes a leader of the Hounds, Fin will be a happy puppy who finally found Cyrus and they’ll be working together! One of the happiest endings for him.
Ending #9 If Ines and Cyrus will stay in the Heights, Cyrus will send him a letter and propose to come back too but….. he stays in the Depths….. to help reorganise the Hounds….. welp THIS is the stupidest ending, like how can Fin refuse to live with Cyrus? Weird shit.
That’s somehow the weirdest and the happiest route for Fin? So he will talk to Cyrus for the last time before going to the Hounds. Then they will meet each other in the lower Depths and Cyrus will notice that he changed.
Ending #10 - “A Thread Unbroken”. When Cyrus walks with Yune in the Depths, Wild Fin can appear and knock her out. He will kidnap her, then he’ll tell her all of his yandere bullshit…. Cyrus will scream for help and some dudes will appear to save the girl from the Hound. Cyrus runs away but then she understands that she can’t do it to Fin….. She comes back and fight those dudes. Fin is injured. The Dudes will come once again and shoot Cyrus, Somehow Fin kills them all…… Both Cyrus and Fin dies. That really was the weirdest of Fin’s endings.
Ending #11 When Yune is in Glissade’s hospital, in the best of routes Cyrus and Ulrik will appear to save him. Fin will let them go and promise to find them later (spoiler: he won’t do it). Glissade will ask Fin to bring them back, but instead Fin kills Glissade. Next he kills Sachsen and makes a fire in the hospital. He dies in the fire………What was the point of this? I really don’t get it.
When Yune is dying bc of love you can stay with him or leave him. Aaaand….
Ending #12 If you stay with Yune till the end, he will die quite peacefully. Tistella’s name is cleared. Cyrus becomes a politician like her father to keep Yune’s heritage. THE BEST PART! FIN COMES BACK!! AND BECOMES CYRUS’ SECRETARY!!!
Ending #13 If you leave Yune, he accepts his existence and he will live for many years more. Tistella’s name is also cleared. Cyrus opens her fencing school to teach children. Fin comes back to work in the police, they are friends with Cyrus.
Ending #14 for Fin, where everything is just fine. No one tortures him, Cyrus is still his partner, love isn’t forbidden anymore….. yk what I mean… Just play it or watch on youtube for full experience! It’s only available when you played all the routes and there is no possibility to end it bad. Fin actually proposes to Cyrus here but he did it anonymously, poor shy baby…….
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“……I don’t have the right to love anyone.”
Note: ♡ indicates an increase in affection for the specified character, ↓ means affection down.
Sacrificing Myself ending
Common route
It doesn’t seem like your first few choices matter, but this is what I chose:
Catch man
Is that the truth?
Suggest going together
That I have to be stronger
I couldn’t ask for that
This is where your choices start to change your route and affection ratings:
He didn’t look like that to me
That’s a bit suspicious…
Turn down after all
Prisoner route
Thank you very much (♡ Adage)
Yes, it is (♡ Ines)
I still want to live independently
I will do better next time (♡ Ines)
That was the right decision (♡ Adage)
Adage route
I can do it (♡ Adage)
It’s bad (♡ Adage)
Can you see them sometimes? (♡ Adage)
Let’s eat together (♡ Adage)
Good work (♡ Adage)
I wanted to let you sleep (♡ Adage)
Please take it away (♡ Adage)
Play along (♡ Adage)
Introduce myself fluently (♡ Adage)
All right (♡ Adage)
You have no social graces (♡ Adage)
Talk about having met Fin
Thank you (♡ Adage)
You still had to meet him (♡ Adage)
That’s immoral (♡ Adage)
Property Returned ending (Other)
Steam Prison
Don’t talk about having met Fin
Are you sure
Good Night, Assistant ending
It’s good (↓ Adage)
Why were you sent to the Depths? (↓ Adage)
You’re like a parent (↓ Adage)
“Recessive” ending
No need (↓ Adage)
Please tell me (↓ Adage)
Talk about having met Fin
Thank you, but I don’t need it (↓ Adage)
I’m sorry (↓ Adage)
Flickering, Vanishing ending
Steam Prison Simulator
For free?
I will
Talk about having met Fin
Are you sure
Glissade is odd
You’re lying
“Roselite” ending (Ines)
Steam Prison Fin
For free?
I will
Talk about having met Fin
Thank you, but I don’t need it (↓ Adage)
I’m sorry (↓ Adage)
Like father, like son (↓ Adage)
Follow Me ending
Steam Prison Fin Route
This ending is found in Ines’ route.
Steam Prison Walkthrough
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